Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friends and Family...

... can now see what has been consuming your lives for the past few weeks!

Again, thank you so much for all your hard work and patience with me!  I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience more than I can put into words!

Also, I wanted to put some of the media links all in one place...

The PSA:!/photo.php?v=250730878316419

Spotted (pictures from last night):
If I get anymore, I'll edit this post and add them later!  Anyone else who has taken pictures, if you would like to bring them to me on a flashdrive, I'll load them on my laptop and try to make a cd of pics for anyone who would like one...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Ghosts:  Be in the dressing room putting on your base and tint at 5 tonight!!

Everyone else:  Be dressed and ready to go, sitting in the theatre, ready to start learning curtain call at 6!!

The call times for regular performances will be similar to tonight, so that we have ample time to be ready!

Thank you all for your hard work! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday Night 11/29/11

Hi guys! Sorry I didn't post yesterday...

Tonight, I need the ghosts getting dressed and ready at 5. We will be reworking a few steps of the tombstone dance and also working with the sound cutes.

The rest of you, PLEASE be dressed and ready to begin at 6:15... I know it's early, but again, there will be a visitor there to take photographs and then we will run the show to be reviewed!

Let's pick up the energy and get the review YOU DESERVE! I'm so excited that this is coming together as well as it is... I am very honored to have been able to work with all of you! You have made this a phenomenal experience for me and I am truly grateful!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

PSA finally on Tyler Civic Theatre's Facebook Page!!

Check it out!  And repost!!

Also, John and I will be on KETK talking about the show on East Texas Live on Monday at 8:30 and 11:30... So say a prayer that I don't misrepresent all your hard work and that I say things that will make people want to come!  You all deserve a full house EVERY night!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday Night 11/22/11, Picture Info, and a Happy Thanksgiving!

Ok guys, we're down to 4 rehearsal days left!! There are some really good moments... but some that need more work!  I know you all are getting tired and I know you can tell I am too as my attitude slowly plunges into insanity!  BUT you get a nice 5 days off!! However, that comes with a caveat:  please don't forget everything we've worked on and look at your script a few times during the break to keep it fresh in your mind!

Dancers:  Please be here at 5 tonight!

Cast:  Please be here early, dressed and ready to go at 6:30.

Crew: Be ready to start the show AT 6:30!!

EVERYONE: Please enter the Rogers entrance from now on!!

PICTURE INFO: (from Pat)

If you are interested in ordering copies of the pictures Gary took, here is the following info:

Could you put the following infor on the blog regarding ordering pics from Gary. (I want him to want to keep doing our headshots!)
1. Gary needs to know what size print:
5"x7" - $18.50 ea
8"X10" - $20.00 ea
2. Does the person ordering the pic want their name on
the photo? In any case, name or not, a small "By Gary"
will be on the bottom right hand corner.
3. To order call Gary at 903-283-2839.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Night 11/21/11

DANCERS!!!  Please remember to be here at 5 today!!!!!!  We're going to rehearse the transitions, and I want you to come prepared with a paper that says what you carry on and carry off in every scene.

We'll start regular rehearsal at 6:30.  Please be dressed and ready to go then!  Let's not waste any time on the last 5 days of rehearsal!!!!!

Thank you again for all your hard work this weekend!  Let's keep everything we worked on in mind and not let the energy fall!

See you tonight!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Night (and info about Saturday!)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday!

Thank you all so much for being so patient during the filming process yesterday.  The video, I am told, should be posted sometime by Monday on the Tyler Civic Theatre website or Facebook page.

We will be rehearsing Act 2 and then attempting our first FULL RUN THROUGH of Act 1 and Act 2!!!

There has been some issue with the timing on Saturday, but we will start rehearsal at 1:30... please remember that Mistle Toe and Magic will still be going on, to arrive early to ensure you have enough time to get a parking spot and get into costume before 1:30!