Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Ghosts:  Be in the dressing room putting on your base and tint at 5 tonight!!

Everyone else:  Be dressed and ready to go, sitting in the theatre, ready to start learning curtain call at 6!!

The call times for regular performances will be similar to tonight, so that we have ample time to be ready!

Thank you all for your hard work! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday Night 11/29/11

Hi guys! Sorry I didn't post yesterday...

Tonight, I need the ghosts getting dressed and ready at 5. We will be reworking a few steps of the tombstone dance and also working with the sound cutes.

The rest of you, PLEASE be dressed and ready to begin at 6:15... I know it's early, but again, there will be a visitor there to take photographs and then we will run the show to be reviewed!

Let's pick up the energy and get the review YOU DESERVE! I'm so excited that this is coming together as well as it is... I am very honored to have been able to work with all of you! You have made this a phenomenal experience for me and I am truly grateful!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

PSA finally on Tyler Civic Theatre's Facebook Page!!

Check it out!  And repost!!

Also, John and I will be on KETK talking about the show on East Texas Live on Monday at 8:30 and 11:30... So say a prayer that I don't misrepresent all your hard work and that I say things that will make people want to come!  You all deserve a full house EVERY night!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday Night 11/22/11, Picture Info, and a Happy Thanksgiving!

Ok guys, we're down to 4 rehearsal days left!! There are some really good moments... but some that need more work!  I know you all are getting tired and I know you can tell I am too as my attitude slowly plunges into insanity!  BUT you get a nice 5 days off!! However, that comes with a caveat:  please don't forget everything we've worked on and look at your script a few times during the break to keep it fresh in your mind!

Dancers:  Please be here at 5 tonight!

Cast:  Please be here early, dressed and ready to go at 6:30.

Crew: Be ready to start the show AT 6:30!!

EVERYONE: Please enter the Rogers entrance from now on!!

PICTURE INFO: (from Pat)

If you are interested in ordering copies of the pictures Gary took, here is the following info:

Could you put the following infor on the blog regarding ordering pics from Gary. (I want him to want to keep doing our headshots!)
1. Gary needs to know what size print:
5"x7" - $18.50 ea
8"X10" - $20.00 ea
2. Does the person ordering the pic want their name on
the photo? In any case, name or not, a small "By Gary"
will be on the bottom right hand corner.
3. To order call Gary at 903-283-2839.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Night 11/21/11

DANCERS!!!  Please remember to be here at 5 today!!!!!!  We're going to rehearse the transitions, and I want you to come prepared with a paper that says what you carry on and carry off in every scene.

We'll start regular rehearsal at 6:30.  Please be dressed and ready to go then!  Let's not waste any time on the last 5 days of rehearsal!!!!!

Thank you again for all your hard work this weekend!  Let's keep everything we worked on in mind and not let the energy fall!

See you tonight!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Night (and info about Saturday!)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday!

Thank you all so much for being so patient during the filming process yesterday.  The video, I am told, should be posted sometime by Monday on the Tyler Civic Theatre website or Facebook page.

We will be rehearsing Act 2 and then attempting our first FULL RUN THROUGH of Act 1 and Act 2!!!

There has been some issue with the timing on Saturday, but we will start rehearsal at 1:30... please remember that Mistle Toe and Magic will still be going on, to arrive early to ensure you have enough time to get a parking spot and get into costume before 1:30!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday Night 11/17/11

Ahhh!! 8 Days of rehearsal left!!

We will be rehearsing Act 2 again tonight!  Please see the list from yesterday's post regarding the people who need to be here early for make up, hair and costume for the PSA.

Everyone else, please be here WITH COSTUMES tonight at 6:30 (earlier if possible) so that we can run through a few scenes before the cameras arrive at 7.  I want to maintain as much rehearsal time as possible despite the bump in the schedule!

Please look at your lines, cues, blocking, and know what your prop/costume situation is!  If I haven't brought you the props/costumes you need for your scene, please feel free to bring something from home or look through the prop/costume room for something that might work!  (BUT DO IT BEFORE REHEARSAL STARTS!!) The less micromanaging I have to do, the better!  Bring a suggestion and use/wear it!  I'll let you know if I don't like it!  (...and hopefully, I'll let you know if I do!)

I know I don't take enough time to tell you all the good things you are doing, but in a tight rehearsal schedule like this, no news is good news!


(...and please pardon all the typos!  I'm busy here at school too!)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday NIght 11/16/11 and PSA info!!

Hi guys!

Again, thank you so much for your energy last night!  Let's rachet it up a little more tonight and make Act 2 ah-maze-ing!


BRING YOUR COSTUMES!! - If you don't have costumes yet, please try to come early tonight and go through the costumes... we really don't need to use rehearsal time to look through the costumes! :)

THE MORE PRACTICE YOU HAVE IN PROPS AND COSTUMES AND MAKE UP THE BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like the following people to be at the theatre at 5 tomorrow (Thursday) to get into costume, make up and hair for the PSA:

The Ghostly Apparitions
John Kelly
Tom Marsh
Stephanie McFarland
Doug Dorris
Joy Rousseau
Andrew Tompkins
Rachel Dacus
Kris Kirby
Kaylee Nagel
Jesse Stamper
Jack Diaz
Christy McMurray

Thank you!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Night 11/14/11 - READ ABOUT TOMORROW!!

Hello All Act 1 Folks!  Long time, no rehearse!  I hope all of you have been looking at your blocking (BECAUSE YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR LINES MEMORIZED BY NOW!!!)

Also, if you have any portions of a costume, start bringing those now!!

I have some important information about tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 15th.  In addition to the head shots being taken at 5:30, we will also rehearse ACT 2 instead of Act 1

I wanted to rotate the schedule a little more so the rehearsal order will look like this for this week...

Monday (tonight) - Act 1 run through
Tuesday (headshots @ 5:30) - Act 2 run through
Wednesday - Act 1 run through
Thusday (PSA filmed - check here for more info) - Act 2 run through
Friday - Act 1 & 2 run through
Saturday - Act 1 & 2 run through (11:00-2:00)

Starting next week, I will have you come in the Roger's Theatre entrance, so keep that in mind! 

I'm excited about the way things are starting to shape up!  See you all tonight!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Night 11/11/11 - Happy Veteran's Day!


We block the last scenes tonight and I could not be more please with how well you all are working and how quickly everything is beginning to come together!

Looking forward to seeing these folks tonight:
John Kelly
Tom Marsh (You're listed, but if you can handle standing on a platform and pointing without extensive practice, you don't have any need to be here tonight!)
Joy Rousseau
Noah Jackson - (I think I told you that you didn't have lines tonight, but I do have you reading as Turkey boy tonight...)
Audrey Mackey
Mark Cox
Kaylee Nagel
Kris Kirby
Jack Diaz
Jesse Stamper
Skyler Brumit
Christy McMurray - just because we want to see her again!
Doug Doris
Stephanie McFarland
Tom Marsh


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ticket Info for Friends and Family Night!!

Audience appreciation (applause) is of course the main benefit of performance, but there are two perks we want volunteers to know about.
1) You and a guest are invited to our board & staff Christmas party on Dec. 13th (yes, the Tuesday after the show closes) for a reception and 7:00 pm concert in the Braithwaite!
2) As a thank you to be shared with those who have "given you up" for so many rehearsals, we offer 6 invitational tickets to the last dress rehearsal on Thursday, Dec. 1st at 7:30 p.m
Since family members are occasionally cast in a show, there's a 10 ticket family max. IF you have family who cannot attend Friends & Family Thursday, you may purchase tickets for them at the Flex rate of $10 each. It's up to you to collect from them or give as a gift, but the money should be given to boxoffice staff before the show begins. Please refrain from posting on Facebook or other social media - this is intended for use by you and your co-workers/friends/family/etc.
Thank you and BREAK A LEG! -DeAnna Hargrove

PSA and Headshot Info!!

Tuesday, Nov. 15th will be the day we take heatshots for the program. I need everyone to be at the Theatre at 5:30. 

Thursday, Nov. 17th will be the day we film the PSA.  I would really appreciate everyone to be early to that performance.  We will be rehearsing Act 2 that night so everyone in Act 2 needs to be there. I will post a list of who I need for the PSA on that day also, so keep checking back here daily!

Plus checking this blog gets you access to amazing pictures like this:

Thursday Night 11/10/11

Again - PRACTICE THIS SATURDAY FROM 11-2!!!  Act 2 Run Through!

John Kelly and Tom Marsh are excused from tonight's practice (as all they do are stand on a platform!)
Joy Rousseau
Mark Cox
Noah Jackson
Christy McMurray
Rachel Dacus
Skyler Brumit
Jack Diaz

If things go as well as they have the past few nights, we might be looking at another early night, so please let's be on time and get started at 6:30 so we can make the best use of our time!  See you tonight!

Keep looking here for more announcements about the PSA taping and the program head shots!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday Night 11/9/11 - AND INFO ABOUT SATURDAY...

We will rehearse this Saturday from 11-2!

Here are the folks I should see tonight:
Kris Kirby
Kaylee Nagel
Christy McMurray
John Kelly
Audrey Mackey
Andrew Tompkins
Mark Cox - You aren't on the list, but if you could come and be a stand in, that would be great!
Doug Doris

Thanks and see you soon!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday Night (and a little bonus...)

Hi guys and gals!

Jack Diaz (our Mr. Fezziwig and Cratchit) is a part of a group raising money for a mission trip to build disaster relief homes, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity.  They will be at the CiCi's Pizza on Troup and the Loop from 5-9pm tonight and a portion of the money CiCi's takes in tonight will be donated to his group for their mission trip.  If you would like to support a wonderful cause, and also eat a bunch of pizza at a good price, then stop by before practice and get your grub on!

Here are the folks I expect to see tonight (post pizza)!

Doug Dorris
John Kelly
Jack Diaz
Mark Cox
Audrey Mackey
Christy McMurray
Rachel Dacus
Jesse Stamper
Andrew Tompkins
Skyler Brumit
Noah Jackson

Last night was a lot of ... fun... and it gave me a heads up on what still needs work, but I'm excited to start Act 2!!  See you tonight!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Night 11/7/11


Ahhh!!  Aren't you excited?!?  I am!  I hope everyone can be here tonight as we try to put together everything we've worked on so far!  Lines should be pretty close to memorized for the first act... if they aren't, I've got a suggestion to fill your afternoon! :)

Here is everyone I see that should be here tonight:

John Kelly
Joy Rousseau
Jack Diaz
Kris Kirby
Mark Cox
Audrey Mackey
Skyler Brumit (check the website... you're name should be spelled correctly now!) :)
Stephanie McFarland
Doug Dorris
Tom Marsh
Sean and Brianna McMurray
Audrey Hill
Andrew Tompkins
Rachel Dacus
Christy McMurray
Kaylee Nagel
Noah Jackson

I think the only one not in a scene is Jesse, but he's more than welcome to come and support the rest of the cast!  See you all tonight!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday Night

Rachel Dacus
Andrew Tampkins
John Kelly
Stephanie McFarland
Kris Kirby
Kaylee Nagel

See you tonight at 6:30! :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Night

According to my list, here are the people who should be at rehearsal tonight:

John Kelly
Skylar Brumit
Stephanie McFarland
Audrey Mackey
Sean and Brianna McMurray
Doug Dorris
Tom Marsh
Audrey Hill

Thanks and see you then! :)


There is quite a bit of music in this play for a non-musical!  I don't know how many of you will be interested, but below are the songs that provided inspiration for me as I was thinking about this show. 

The music will not be as 'rock' heavy as I had originally thought, but rather will be acoustic and more soulful.  Either way, I'm excited!

Several of you will be involved in the singing of Barbara Allen and the link to the version I like best is also provided.  If you want to bring a flash drive for this music, I will have my laptop with me and have downloaded the songs.

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen -

Hark the Herald Angels Sing -

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy -


Stuff that inspired me for the ghostly apparitions:

Charolette Martin – The Dance: